
Linux B{eer,ier} {Hike,Wanderung}

Traveller's Guide From Nürnberg

Convention: The German word for highway is "Autobahn" (which you should know - at least after coming in touch with Kraftwerk). Thus, German highways are labeled An where n is from {1, 2, ...}. The German word for main roads cutting through the countryside is "Bundestraße". Thus, these type of roads are labeled Bn, e. g. B470.

Nürnberg should be your reference when trying to orientate on a German map. Nürnberg is superbly connected to the net of public means of transportation leading from north to south and east to west. The only case where you won't affect Nürnberg and its suburbs directly is when you are travelling by car or train and come from the north. In all other cases, above all when arriving by plane, train or bus, it it most likely that you will have to change at Nürnberg and head for Fränkische Schweiz.

From now on we will assume that you successfully reached Nürnberg. Have a look at the nearby small map (61 KB) to find your way Pottenstein. Maybe this is the right time to mention Nürnberg's vast possibilities for foreigners to spend their time. If you have never been to Nürnberg before you could think about spending one day or two to have a look at all the sights, museums and medievil buildings. Given you have seen all that once before or are just not interested in this old stuff you should focus on reaching Pottenstein.

In general there are three different ways from Nürnberg to Pottenstein:

  1. through Forchheim and Ebermannstadt
  2. through Pegnitz
  3. straight north through the countryside

Your preference should be the following:

  • if you are already in your car on the highway (e. g. from the south or west) the route through Pegnitz will be the fastest
  • if you are cruising the western territories of Nürnberg, that is, e. g., Fürth, or if you arrive from the west by A3 through Würzburg, Forchheim should be what you are aiming at
  • finally, if you already find yourself in the north of Nürnberg or/and want to see as much of the Franconian landscape as possible or/and have a couple of hours time you could use a number of small roads for reaching Pottenstein (left alone the detour through Forchheim, this is the only option you have if your means of transportation is a bicycle)

    Description of the three routes:

    1. Forchheim:

      By car:
      470 Try to reach the southern suburbs of Nürnberg. There is a broad city highway called "Frankenschnellweg" which leads directly to A73. Your direction is Erlangen or Bamberg. Follow this highway - to the west and turning north after a short while. From here on you can find your way if your are coming from the north, e. g. from Bamberg, too. Take exit "Forchheim Süd" and watch out for signs indicating "Fränkische Schweiz". Together with these sign a yellow brother will appear, called "B470". Follow B470, 12 km to Ebermannstadt, 17 km to Pottenstein. Your way should go like that: Forchheim - Ebermannstadt - Streitberg - Tüchersfeld - Pottenstein (with some smaller villages in between).

      By train:
      Book your ticket to Forchheim (Nürnberg - Fürth - Erlangen) and change to Ebermannstadt after arriving.

    2. Pegnitz:

      By car:
      Find A9 on your map. East to Nürnberg there is a large highway crossing connecting A3, A6 and A9. Depending on your origin change from your current highway to A9 and head for Berlin. After 55 km an exit to Pegnitz should come into sight. Take this one. Look for signs indicating "Fränkische Schweiz" and find your way to B470. Follow B470 for about 15 km to the west.

      By train/bus:
      Book your ticket to Pegnitz (Nürnberg - Lauf - Hersbruck - Pegnitz) and look for the railway bus to Pottenstein after arriving.

    3. Through the countryside:

      By car:
      You have to find your way on a number of small roads: Nürnberg - Eckental - Gräfenberg - Gößweinstein

      By train/bus:
      Take the train to Gräfenberg (line R21). From there take line 222 to Gößweinstein.

      By bus:
      Take line 212 from Nürnberg to Gößweinstein.

    Independent of the route you take you will notice the beautiful landscape once you approached Fränkische Schweiz.

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